The Food Agency Does Not Recognize Oil Samples, It Tests New Ones

The Food Agency Does Not Recognize Oil Samples, It Tests New Ones
The Food Agency Does Not Recognize Oil Samples, It Tests New Ones

The Bulgarian Food Safety Agency (BFSA) refuses to recognize the results of the breakdown of the native oil, although they were tested in its laboratory.

We remind you that a few days ago the Active Consumers Association reported that out of ten studied Bulgarian brands of oil, four have a high content of non-milk fats (palm oil) and water, which, however, are not reflected in their labels.

According to Dr. Raina Ivanova from the BFSA, the department cannot recognize the results and accordingly sanction the violators, because the samples were not taken by inspectors of the agency.

She confirms that the tests were actually performed in the BFSA laboratory, but it is not clear when, how and where the sample was taken.

Following the signal of the Active Consumers Association, BFSA inspectors still took samples of the Bulgarian oils available in the trade network.

The results of the samples taken by the agency should be ready later today (June 11).

In case the BFSA samples show the same results and the violations are proven, the guilty producers face a fine of up to BGN 4,000, as well as placing their enterprises under special supervision.

Hydrogenated fats
Hydrogenated fats

In the meantime, all products with misleading labels with an unmarked presence of vegetable fats and water must be withdrawn from the market.

The BFSA inspectors took a total of 37 samples from different brands of Bulgarian oils. So far, only two of them have shown the presence of unsaturated vegetable fats in the content of the labels, and their producers have been sanctioned.

The Active Consumers Association explained that they expect the results of the samples taken by the BFSA to repeat the data they provided.

According to Bogomil Nikolov, a representative of the Association, the oil samples were tested not only at the BFSA, but also at another independent laboratory to avoid suspicion of errors.

Nikolov announced that the companies that allow such violations are the same. And when one of their brands is compromised, they change it and keep working.
