Almost The Entire Harvest Of Ruse Fruits Goes To Romania

Almost The Entire Harvest Of Ruse Fruits Goes To Romania
Almost The Entire Harvest Of Ruse Fruits Goes To Romania

Nearly 100 per cent of Ruse's fruit harvest goes to markets in Romania, say farmers in the area. The reason is that our northern neighbors buy our fruits more than the Bulgarians themselves.

In the past year, half of the fruits harvested around Ruse were sold on the Romanian markets, which motivates the producers in our country to export more and more goods to Romania.

At the same time, imported fruits dominate in our country. The low prices attract most of our people and the legal fruits from Europe are better sold than the Bulgarian ones, even if they are not of such high quality.

Here are used mainly middle class goods, there is a very small market for higher quality goods. As far as Bucharest - the people there are solvent and prefer to consume better quality goods, so all quality goods go directly to Romania, said apple producer Nikolay Kolev 24 hours ago.

In the West, they receive higher subsidies and can afford lower fruit prices. However, transportation and other factors make them much lower quality than the fruits produced here.

Apples and pears
Apples and pears

Another problem for farmers is unfair competition from large food chains, which import products without paying VAT, Kolev said.

In order to protect their interests, fruit growers in the Ruse region have created a Union of Danube Fruit Growers.

Until recently, producers encountered obstacles with the transportation of goods to the Bulgarian-Romanian border, but after adequate cooperation this problem was solved.

According to the latest data, up to 80% of the fruits we consume in Bulgaria are imported. In the last 15 years, the number of Bulgarian goods on the markets has dropped dramatically and the policy is to continue this policy.
