Learn These 3 Formulas And You Will Be The King Of Wine, Brandy And Pickles

Learn These 3 Formulas And You Will Be The King Of Wine, Brandy And Pickles
Learn These 3 Formulas And You Will Be The King Of Wine, Brandy And Pickles

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When making wine at home, you need to measure the sugar content of the must have been obtained. This is usually done with a sugar meter - not very accurate, but enough for home use. The more accurate measurement is with a refractometer - devices that are already available at affordable prices mainly in electronics stores.

To adjust the sugar level to the desired value or to supplement the barrel, you need sugar syrup. Here's a formula to do it:

a.b / (100 - b) = x, where

a - amount of water in kilograms or liters

b - desired sugar percentage

x - the amount of sugar in kilograms.


Home made rakia
Home made rakia

Photo: Sergey Anchev

When you have boiled the brandy and it has been in a large container for some time, you measure the alcohol content. This is done with an alcohol meter - home or laboratory, or again with a refractometer. The brandy as well as the measuring device must have a temperature of 20 degrees.

To get the desired degree, you need to add distilled water. But be careful - technical distilled water can have an odor, so it is better to add drinking water obtained by reverse osmosis - available in stores.

Here is the formula for the amount of water:

c. (a / b -1) = x, where

a - initial degrees

b - desired degrees

c - amount of brandy in liters

x - the required amount of water in liters.


Homemade pickles
Homemade pickles

When making pickles or sauerkraut, you need salted brine. You get it by mixing water and salt, but be careful - the amounts of water and salt should be in kilograms, not in cups or other units. Also keep in mind that different types of salt have different salinity.

You can calculate by the formula:

a.b / (100 - b) = x, where:

a - amount of water in kilograms or liters

b - desired percentage of saline solution

x is the amount of salt in kilograms.
