Calorie Buffer Zone - What Is It?

Calorie Buffer Zone - What Is It?
Calorie Buffer Zone - What Is It?

A buffer zone is a territory or place that separates disparate parts of any nature, creating a balance between them.

If we apply this definition to diet and calories, the caloric buffer zone allows you to reduce the amount of food without feeling noticeable deprivation.

This is possible because the brain can be easily deceived. It is more susceptible to signals coming from outside than from inside. An empty plate is a clearer signal to the brain than a full stomach. This can be used in diets.

At one calorie buffer zone from 100-200 calories a day the brain will not feel the difference in the amount of food. We usually eat more than we think, but if we can successfully fool the brain, we can reverse the process and eat less, giving it a different impression. Thus we will eat smaller amounts quite unconsciously. We just have to use the same principles to influence our behavior.

How to do it in practice? Here are the ways to reducing foodwithout feeling it.

Eating in smaller plates

When the plate is full, the signal to the brain is that the food will be complete. If the plate is half empty, this indicates that food is scarce. In fact, the amount of food can be the same, but placed in plates of different sizes. When smaller plates are used and filled with food, less is eaten, but this is not felt in practice. This method has been proven many times by experiments.

When serving, reduce the portion by 20 percent

If you start consuming 20 percent smaller portions than you normally take, this will not be felt in practice. The same goes if you increase the amount by 20 percent when it comes to vegetables.

calorie buffer zone
calorie buffer zone

The height of the cups should be greater

The height makes things look bigger than when they are wider at the same volume. Most people know that vertical lines look longer than horizontal ones, provided they are the same length. Calories will decrease imperceptibly if you use taller cups instead of wider ones.

Protein for breakfast

Experiments have shown that protein-containing foods eaten at breakfast suppress appetite. Subsequent meals during the day are also reduced as a result of less desire for food. That's why an omelet for breakfast is a good idea, so you will take away from the body's desire to consume more food for the rest of the day.

Eating three times a day

There is an opinion that frequent eating is more useful and unloading than eating three times a day. Data from studies on the frequency of feeding show completely different results. Skipping a meal makes it difficult to control your appetite, and eating often does not help suppress the urge to eat. The best solution is to eat when people decide they need to, that is, in the morning, at noon and in the evening.

Eliminate pasta snacks and pastries

All studies have shown that people consume larger amounts of food when a meal is available than if it is more difficult to access. The extra time and effort to get to the food unknowingly prompts us to think about the value of our actions and thus thwart a decision that we will later regret. In order not to have breakfast twice before lunch time, just remove the ready-made snacks from your sight. Healthy foods should be kept in places where they are easily visible.

Slow chewing of food

In the busy everyday life, people seem to forget to chew. Most people really don't. And the less chewed the food, the larger amounts will be ingested. It has been proven that people who chew food carefully and slowly eat less. Take enough time to eat at the table and chew each bite slowly. Some experts advise counting the chews until you get used to the process and it becomes unconscious. Eating at a table, not on foot or on the go, will help a lot in these practices.

weight loss
weight loss

Do not eat from the package

People forget that their stomachs cannot count and eat from the package without realizing that they are losing track of the amount of food consumed. In this case, you usually eat two or even three times more than usual. The way is to always use dishes. The bowl, plate or even the napkin will give a clear idea of how much food is designated for this meal. Anyone who wants to monitor the amount of food they eat for the day should get used to the need for a good visualization of what they eat before they start.

Eating in front of the TV

When we eat in front of the TV, computer or some means of communication and information, it distracts us. When distracted, the amounts of food consumed lead to overeating. The end of the interesting show tells the subconscious that the feeding is over. If this happens one or two hours after the start, the calories consumed will be in unbearable amounts. Proper nutrition is on the table, and all attention is focused on this process, without anything to distract him.

Healthy eating and calorie control

Healthy food must be useful and this is one of the main requirements for it. However, vegetables, fruits and other foods that are not processed in any way are healthy. They are most often unlabeled because they do not go through any processing. Many other foods carry health labels, but are actually processed to present themselves as an alternative to harmful ones.

All studies with volunteers of all ages show that it is common practice for people to underestimate the calories on the packaging and because of this mistake they eat more. Unlabeled natural foods are usually the healthiest in terms of calories.

Food choices and eating patterns are the simplest and easiest way to creating a calorie buffer zoneto help take in fewer calories unknowingly. Creating such an opportunity will turn the intake of the right amount of food into a natural and painless process, different from the diets that inhibit the body and mind.

The body can be taught to get up slightly hungry from the table, as experts advise. We just need to master the ability to easily and smoothly control the amount of food consumed.
