The First Contract For Private Storage Of Cheese In Our Country Is Already A Fact

The First Contract For Private Storage Of Cheese In Our Country Is Already A Fact
The First Contract For Private Storage Of Cheese In Our Country Is Already A Fact

The first contract of its kind under the extraordinary European aid scheme for private storage of certain types of cheese has already been signed by Bulgaria. The Agriculture State Fund has joined the temporary emergency aid scheme opened by the European Commission.

The need for it arose from the created imbalance in the supply and demand of raw milk and dairy products. The project was undertaken to stabilize the market. The application deadline is January 15.

The state body accepted only the applications for the cheeses produced on the territory of Bulgaria, which meet the requirements of the Ordinance on the specific requirements for dairy products. They must have a minimum age corresponding to the ripening period specified in the manufacturer's technological documentation as well as to the national standards.

The signed contract is for storage of 247,154 tons of dairy products. This is 36% of the Bulgarian quota. For our country the maximum amount allocated for storage is 696 tons. The contract is for a period of 60 to 210 days, and the financing is calculated according to the scheme - 15.57 EUR / ton per warehouse for fixed storage costs and 0.40 EUR / ton per day for storage under a contract.

Applications for payment are submitted three months after the expiration of the contract and if everything is normal, the transfer of money takes up to 120 days.
