The First Healthy Alcohol Is Already A Fact! You Will Not Believe What They Are Doing

The First Healthy Alcohol Is Already A Fact! You Will Not Believe What They Are Doing
The First Healthy Alcohol Is Already A Fact! You Will Not Believe What They Are Doing

They invented the world's first truly healthy alcoholic beverage using tofu. The creation is by scientists from the National University of Singapore, who boasted about the breakthrough.

Large amounts of whey are discarded when making soy cheese. As harmless as it sounds and looks like a safe by-product when disposed of as untreated waste, whey actually contributes to environmental pollution and depletion of oxygen in waterways.

To avoid this, Singaporean scientists set out to invent an application of this by-product. After several months of research, they found that the best application of whey from tofu is to turn it into a whole new kind of alcohol.

The new drink tastes like wine. Its founders are Associate Professor Liu Shao Kuan and Assistant PhD student Chua Jian Yong. It took them three months to create the drink, using a long fermentation process to turn the yellowish liquid into a light wine enchantment.


In the process of creating the drink, sugar, folic acid and yeast are added to the whey, after which it is left to ferment. Experts say it is sweet with a fruity aroma and an alcohol content of eight percent.

In addition to the great taste and intoxicating properties, the new drink has some unexpected health benefits. Tofu is made from soy and contains high levels of soy nutrients, and whey itself has impressive levels of calcium. These are all things the body needs.


As a result, the new drink provides tremendous health benefits such as bone strength, heart strengthening and cancer prevention, says Associate Professor Liu Shao Kuan.

Currently, the drink has a shelf life of about four months, but the scientist and his team are working to increase this period without the use of conventional preservatives such as sulfur dioxide.
