Insect Delicacies Will Be Sold In Switzerland

Insect Delicacies Will Be Sold In Switzerland
Insect Delicacies Will Be Sold In Switzerland

A non-traditional food product will be launched on the Swiss market. In a few days, worm and insect delicacies are expected to appear in the windows of local supermarkets.

People who like to try new flavors will be able to get burgers and meatballs from mealworms. In addition to the snacks, they will also contain vegetables, rice and aromatic spices.

The exotic food products are planned to appear in supermarkets in Switzerland, and more precisely in the Coop chain, within a week.

Insect delicacies will be sold in Switzerland
Insect delicacies will be sold in Switzerland

Photo: essento

Switzerland is currently the first country in Europe to officially allow insects to be used in human food.

According to Swiss law, locusts and crickets are allowed to eat in addition to mealworms.

These animals were bred to feed other animal species. But experts have discovered the conditions under which they are suitable for human consumption and are now ready to put them on sale in the form of attractive delicacies.
