Who Should We Thank For Lasagna?

Who Should We Thank For Lasagna?
Who Should We Thank For Lasagna?

There is hardly a housewife who has not tried to cook lasagna at least once. Although we think that lasagna is a classic Italian dish, other peoples have claims to it. The day the United States celebrates Lasagna Day, let's talk a little more about the history of this culinary classic.

The classic lasagna consists of several layers of dried and then fried or boiled wheat dough, between which a vegetable or local stuffing or mushroom stew is placed.

Sprinkle with grated yellow cheese or Parmesan and bake. However, not always lasagna looked like this. The prototype of lasagna is the round loaf of bread dough. Such cakes were baked by the Greeks and were called laganon.

The Romans borrowed this bread from the Greeks and began to cut it into strips, which they called lagans. Until now, in some areas of Italy, lagana is called the wide and flat pasta known as tagliatelle.

Although lasagna is considered a real Italian dish, it is not. The British and Scandinavians claim its creators. The English consider it their creation, because there is information that a dish called loseyns was prepared in the time of Richard II.

The British claim that one of the first recipes for lasagna was recorded in the first English cookbook Forme of Cury, which is still kept in the British Museum.

Who should we thank for Lasagna?
Who should we thank for Lasagna?

This naturally angered the Italians, and they hastened to refute the English by claiming that this English dish, however tasty, had nothing to do with the Italian version of lasagna.

Scandinavians claim that lasagna was prepared in Viking times. They made them by placing a filling of meat and grated cheese between the loaves of bread. The first written mention of the Italian recipe took place in the 14th century, when an anonymous manuscript was discovered on the outskirts of Naples.

According to this recipe, in the Middle Ages lasagna was prepared as follows: leaves of dough were boiled in boiling water, between which chopped foxes of spices and yellow cheese were arranged.
