5 Clever Ways To Clean Food Stains After A Hectic Party

5 Clever Ways To Clean Food Stains After A Hectic Party
5 Clever Ways To Clean Food Stains After A Hectic Party

If it is impossible to open a door or window in a smoky room, the smoke can be easily removed with a damp towel. Waving around the room for 1-2 minutes.

Stains from beer or red wine on upholstery, chairs and carpet are removed if immediately sprinkled with a little baking powder, and in the absence of such should be rubbed very lightly with toothpaste or, as a last resort, sprinkle with salt. After 30 minutes, wipe the stains in the direction of the wood or fabric sample with a dry, soft cloth.

5 clever ways to clean food stains after a hectic party
5 clever ways to clean food stains after a hectic party

Cigarette holes on the carpet will go unnoticed if, with the help of a needle or a crochet hook, they are carefully passed from the affected front side to the bottom and some of the fabric is removed from it.

Remaining traces of coffee drops on the tablecloth should be rubbed with a cotton swab dipped in glycerin. After 10 minutes, the tablecloth is soaked in cold water and washed.

5 clever ways to clean food stains after a hectic party
5 clever ways to clean food stains after a hectic party

Candle stains on a wooden surface are best removed if the wax is softened with a hair dryer. Then it should be soaked with a paper napkin, after which the affected part is carefully cleaned with a soaked cotton cloth with equal parts water and vinegar.
