Supermarkets Manipulate Our Children

Video: Supermarkets Manipulate Our Children

Video: Supermarkets Manipulate Our Children
Video: Let's Learn English at the Grocery Store (Supermarket) | English Video with Subtitles 2025, January
Supermarkets Manipulate Our Children
Supermarkets Manipulate Our Children

The arrangement of goods in supermarkets has never been accidental. It turns out that the propaganda is aimed both at us as consumers and at the kids who often go to the market with their parents.

It has happened to everyone to see a small child shivering for another shiny packaged treat of his mother. Powerlessness and reproachful looks often make parents agree with their children's wishes, just to keep quiet. However, it turns out that the culprits are not the shortcomings in education, but simple marketing tricks that directly affect the child's brain.

The products in the store are arranged in such a way that the sweet things always fall into the kids' field of vision. This attracts their attention and provokes their desires.


To track what children's eyes see in the store, the authors of Magazine 8 conducted an interesting experiment. The 12-year-old Apostle, about a meter tall, had to go around a random supermarket with a camera on his head. It traced the products positioned at eye level. It turns out that up to 90% of them are high in sugar. They all have colorful and attractive packaging that attracts children's attention.

Another trick of the sellers are the goods at the checkout. Sweet and colorful things are concentrated there again. These are basically products that we often see on TV and engage the subconscious.
