

Cocoon / Solanum sessiliflorum / is a tropical shrub belonging to the family Solanaceae. Its flowers are similar to those of potatoes, but have light green petals. The fruits can be round, oblong, with rounded tips. They are the size of an avocado and taste like a tomato. They are usually painted orange or reddish.

There are several varieties Cocoon. Those found in the wild are prickly, while those that are cultivated are usually prickly.

The fruits of Cocoon have a thin but strong outer shell. At maturity, the fruit becomes smooth, golden-orange to reddish-brown, or dark red. The fruits are harvested when they are fully ripe and the skin becomes slightly wrinkled.

At this point, the fruit emits a mild tomato aroma. The pulp contains many flat, oval, creamy colored seeds that are harmless.

History of the Cocoon

Cocoon shrubs were first described by communities inhabiting the Amazon region in 1760. Later it turned out that other tribes also grew these fruits. Subsequently, breeders began to study the plant and its fruits to see if it has potential.

Composition of Cocoon

Cocoons are highly nutritious. They are rich in iron and vitamin B5. They contain calcium, phosphorus and small amounts of carotene, thiamine and riboflavin.

Growing the Cocoon

Cocoon can also be grown as an ornamental plant in temperate climates. In winter, however, it should not be kept in too dry air. In summer, the plant can be grown outdoors or in a cool greenhouse, but it should be known that it is sensitive to aphids.

Cocoon in cooking

This fruit is usually eaten by the locals and is sold everywhere in Latin America. Cocona is a popular product in Brazil and Colombia, and its cultivation is a major industry in Peru. The juice is currently exported to Europe. The fruit can be eaten fresh or stewed, frozen, crushed or candied. It is valuable in making jams, marmalades, sauces and fruit fillings. Cocoa can also be used in salads, as well as combined with meat and fish dishes.

Benefits of Cocoon

The fruit is low in calories and high in dietary fiber. It is also said to lower cholesterol. It is believed to relieve kidney and liver disease. The juice is used in the treatment of burns and bites from venomous snakes.