Banana Crisis In The Year Of The Monkey

Banana Crisis In The Year Of The Monkey
Banana Crisis In The Year Of The Monkey

A real banana crisis is slowly but surely spreading around the world. One of the most beloved fruits was affected by a disease that threatened to destroy it to the feet.

Bananas are the most important export industry in Latin America. It is responsible for supplying North America and Europe with delicious and fresh fruit. But the question is how long?

For the first year, the International Congress of the Banana Industry was moved from Costa Rica to Miami at the last minute. This was necessitated by the real danger of those present carrying the deadly banana disease to the region.

However, no matter how hard one tries, the disease, which has become known as the Panamanian disease, has already spread from Asia to Australia, Africa and the Middle East. Unfortunately for banana lovers, the disease affects the most beloved variety Cavendish.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations has said it is one of the most devastating banana diseases ever reported. In the 1960s, an earlier strain of Panama disease wiped out the Gross Michel variety, which was the most popular at the time.


In those years, the industry chose to cultivate the Cavendish variety, which, although of lower quality than its predecessor, was considered more sustainable. Today, the banana industry amounts to 36 billion dollars and must be saved, the organization said.

Despite efforts to address the problem, scientists and farmers are already looking for an alternative to Cavendish. The new strain has already ruined production in some parts of Asia and is likely to devastate the rest of the planet.

To find an alternative, Taiwanese scientists have created a number of improvements to our current favorite variety. They are tested in laboratories in China and the Philippines. At the moment, however, the created modifications are neither as tasty nor as susceptible to long-distance transportation and durable as before.

The Panamanian disease is spreading slowly and the prices of the final product in European stores have not risen. However, this could happen very soon. If the disease spreads to South America, prices will inevitably rise significantly over the next decade. Consumers will also witness changes in the varieties of bananas offered.
