The Dietary Secrets Of American Supermodels

The Dietary Secrets Of American Supermodels
The Dietary Secrets Of American Supermodels

Probably most women in the world look with a certain amount of envy at slender supermodels and dream of achieving their figures.

Nutritionists from the American Center for Fashion Design have decided to reveal the secrets with which the models behind the Ocean keep fit.

They have published diet guidelines and a list of products that you should include in your menu if you want the slim waists of beautiful women from the reviews.

This is an extremely healthy diet that allows you to achieve the desired results without harming the body.

The first rule: mandatory breakfast. It may consist of:

- Pasta, cakes, low-fat milk.

- Boiled eggs and yoghurt, - Omelet with vegetables and low-fat cheese.

The dietary secrets of American supermodels
The dietary secrets of American supermodels

During the day you should eat small portions every few hours - yogurt, fresh fruit, toast with peanut butter, nuts (almonds, cashews, peanuts). Hey, it's not about eating 200 grams of almonds! 5-10 almonds only!

Don't forget about drinks. It is necessary to maintain the body's hydrobalance. Experts advise to drink at least 9 servings of fluid a day. If you train, then even more. Always carry a bottle of water. You can drink coffee or tea.

American nutritionists have also announced the products that models are fed to maintain their beauty:

- For hair: chicken, turkey, seafood, eggs, beans, lentils, soy.

- For the skin: broccoli, grapefruit, mango, oranges, strawberries, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, melon, nuts.

- For teeth: low-fat dairy products, broccoli and legumes.
