Eat Pasta With Cheese On The Occasion Of Today's Holiday

Eat Pasta With Cheese On The Occasion Of Today's Holiday
Eat Pasta With Cheese On The Occasion Of Today's Holiday

There are many dishes that, like a magic wand, can take us back to childhood, and one of them is pasta with cheese. July 14 is their day, which is another reason to prepare them and eat.

The history of cheese pasta is directly related to the company Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, known throughout the world by various names, including Kraft Dinner in Canada.

Although it seems like an elementary combination, the truth is that achieving the perfect ratio of ingredients took time.

The idea of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese was to combine pasta with cheese and sell them like a semi-finished paste. But so far there was no recipe for cheese sauce, and the company wanted the taste of the cheese to feel just like the taste of pasta.

After the end of World War II, meat resources were limited and many families sought meat-free recipes that would satisfy the dish sufficiently but not require the scarce product.

Therefore pasta with cheese were the ideal option. The final version of the recipe was created by James Louis Kraft, who makes it the first successful pasta with cheese, and the orange filling becomes a trademark of the company.

Today, pasta with cheese has different variations. You can eat them according to the traditional recipe only with cheese, or you can add a meat ingredient such as chicken or bacon.
