We Drank More Beer In The Past

We Drank More Beer In The Past
We Drank More Beer In The Past

In the past 2016, we drank more beer in our country, announced the Union of Brewers, quoted by 24 hours. According to their data, their sales jumped by 2.5 percent on an annual basis.

According to the Customs Agency, the revenues from excise duty on beer last year were BGN 81.3 million, which is an increase of nearly 5% compared to the revenues in 2105, when they were BGN 60 million.

In recent months, PET bottles have been the least sold, with a 13% increase in cans. The new sale of glass bottles and draft beer remains stable.

Beer exports also increased by 4%, and investments from new producers jumped by nearly BGN 43 million. 7 new products and over 30 new packages and cuts have appeared on the market.


According to NSSI data for 2016, the economic value of the Beer and Malt Production sector has also increased, with 2,400 new people being hired for the year.

In the last 2 years the beer market in Bulgaria is developing well. This is a result of consumption during the summer season, announced the marketing director of Carlsberg Bulgaria Branimir Bratanov.

The competition on the Bulgarian beer market has always been high, and this is to the benefit of consumers.


Currently, 14 companies in Bulgaria produce kraft beer. Bulgarians' interest in beer is also growing, which is why companies in Bulgaria are increasingly looking for diversity.

The sale of cider is also developing on the market, which was not known in the country until only a few years ago. In 2017, its demand is expected to jump even more.
