Is It Helpful To Skip Dinner?

Is It Helpful To Skip Dinner?
Is It Helpful To Skip Dinner?

It is believed that you should eat breakfast alone, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to your enemy. According to nutritionists, the closer the evening gets, the more we want to eat something that is not useful - burgers or pastries.

For a person the desire to eat in the evening is quite normal, because before sleep the body makes strategic reserves of energy in case of possible hunger. Many people miss breakfast but can't miss dinner.

The calories taken in the evening are not superfluous for a person who works all day and goes to the gym after work. The body needs to replenish its energy reserves and if we do not meet its needs, it becomes stressed. In this situation, you may miss dinner, but at night you can not sleep without eating for the last time. It is wiser if you are hungry to have dinner, but lightly.

Buffet dinner
Buffet dinner

It is important not so much the time in which you eat, as that the amount of food consumed is not more than necessary. You should eat 25 percent of your daily calories at breakfast, 55 percent at lunch, and 20 percent at dinner. It is important to have dinner two or three hours before bedtime.

It is believed that the best rest for the stomach between dinner and breakfast is about nine hours. If this time reaches twelve hours, the risk of gastritis, constipation and other stomach problems increases.

Weight loss
Weight loss

However, care must be taken about what is eaten at dinner. Many people do not dine after five or six hours. At night, the duodenum does not function, but the stomach continues to work. If you eat just before going to bed, the stomach sends the food to the sleeping duodenum, where it is not processed. The liver and pancreas produce enzymes, but they cannot enter the intestines and remain in the bile. This is the main cause of her inflammation.

It is not good to have dinner late and you can even sometimes skip meals in the evening to tone your body. Giving up dinner helps to lose weight. While we sleep, the energy derived from the breakdown of fats is used for respiration, blood circulation and the work of all organs.

In eight hours of sleep, a man weighing 90 kilograms loses 140 grams of fat. So if he misses a late dinner, a man with those pounds will lose about 4 and a half pounds in a month.
