Minus 7 Kg For 7 Days From A Diet With Coffee

Minus 7 Kg For 7 Days From A Diet With Coffee
Minus 7 Kg For 7 Days From A Diet With Coffee

With a short 7-day diet, you could lose seven pounds while following an effective coffee regimen. The condition is to drink 2-3 cups of coffee every day.

Coffee is the most aromatic and one of the most popular drinks in the world. In addition, coffee has many health and beauty benefits.

Coffee drinks act as an accelerator of metabolism. Thanks to them, the body says goodbye to at least 200 calories every day.

The drink is rich in valuable antioxidants and organic acids, and only one cup of coffee replenishes the daily required amount of vitamin P.

The tonic and energetic effect of coffee on the human body is indisputable.

Diet with coffee
Diet with coffee

The diet with coffee is very light and pleasant, and it is mandatory to include at least 2 liters of water per day in the presented diet.

Breakfast: a cup of coffee and a slice of toast;

Lunch: a cup of coffee and a large salad of vegetables, chicken and boiled eggs;

Dinner: lean roasted meat or fish, vegetable salad and fruit salad;

The coffee you consume must be freshly ground, not instant. This means that you have to buy coffee beans and grind it at home.

It is also necessary to grind the coffee just before it is brewed. Coffee should not be sweetened with sugar, cream or milk.

Experts strongly emphasize that no matter how much you love coffee, you should not overdo it. The normal amount of coffee per day is between 2-3 cups.

Excessive caffeine consumption leads to insomnia, drug addiction, high cholesterol, dental plaque and high blood pressure, as well as problems with the urinary system.

People who suffer from hypertension should be very careful with coffee. The brown drink creates preconditions for an increase in blood pressure and gradually it can remain in constantly high limits.

It is a scientifically proven fact that a person can become addicted to coffee and in case of overdose can cause great damage to his body.
