Plovdiv Centenarian Revealed His Diet

Plovdiv Centenarian Revealed His Diet
Plovdiv Centenarian Revealed His Diet

These days the centenarian from Plovdiv Alexander Nikolov turned 102 years old. Despite his advanced age, Sando feels well, is alive, reads without glasses and can boast that he has never been admitted to hospital.

The elderly Plovdiv resident owes his longevity to a gene, but this is not the only reason for it. According to him, his healthy diet has also contributed to this.

Rice pudding
Rice pudding

The man eats three times a day. For breakfast he eats an apple with honey and cheese. He also takes one walnut per bite. He also indulges in coffee with milk and a few cookies.

For lunch he eats a cooked dish from a nearby restaurant, and for dinner he eats at home, always putting on his table a bowl of milk with rice and tahini halva.

At dinner I eat 5-6 bites of tahini, the centenarian told BTA.


In addition, Alexander states that he has never overeat and eats enough to get full. He also did not drink alcohol and never reached for a cigarette.

To stay in shape, the older man relies not only on food but also on movement. Several times a day he climbs the stairs to the fourth floor.

This allows him to feel great despite his advanced age and to enjoy a clear mind.
