Weekends: Enemy Of The Thin Waist

Weekends: Enemy Of The Thin Waist
Weekends: Enemy Of The Thin Waist

People often complain that they fail to eat properly when they are at work. There is no logic in this and the routine proves that more and more people are strict in their diet, get to know the restaurants that are close to their workplaces, eat at a specific time and are facilitated because the portions in the restaurants are accurate.

All of the above can help us easily maintain a proper regimen throughout the work week. However, things change dramatically over the weekend. The spiral rotates and you can't stop watching it - you start the morning with a "sandwich", which, however, does not satiate you, because you are at home and all the products are at hand, so quickly eat another 2-3.

At lunch you decide to take "only one" slice of pizza, which, however, you enjoy and do not stop until you empty the box. For dinner, you go out with friends and say goodbye to your intention to eat "only salad", because everyone around you does not stop ordering (and not only food, but also alcoholic and soft drinks).

Here are some tips that can help you get out of the food spiral on the weekends:

- Allow yourself 1-2 more caloric and harmful foods during the week, because otherwise your body feels unbridled hunger for such and when you decide to take a little you can not stop.

Weekends: Enemy of the thin waist
Weekends: Enemy of the thin waist

- Do not reward yourself with fast food bought from the store just because you are alone and do not feel like cooking. There are thousands of things that you can prepare quickly and in small portions, but they are useful and enjoyable.

- Be active - inaction makes us lie on the couch in front of the TV and eat. Enroll in a club, exercise, walk, even sleep more, but try not to have much time to think about food.

- Measure your weight on Monday. If one or more Mondays in a row you are not satisfied with what the scales show after the weekend, you will certainly reconsider your diet and take measures to eat healthier in these two days.
