Caramel Glaze - Techniques, Tips And Application

Caramel Glaze - Techniques, Tips And Application
Caramel Glaze - Techniques, Tips And Application

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The caramel glaze or mirror caramel-chocolate icing are used to cover caramel cakes and pastries with caramel.

Here are two recipes for its preparation, choose the one you like best.

The caramel glaze is quite simple in the technology of execution, for its preparation you will need the following ingredients:

Ingredients for caramel glaze

½ s.l. sugar;

30 g butter;

3 tbsp. liquid cream, preferably not less than 30%;

1 tablespoon powdered sugar;

¼ tsp vanilla

This list of products is enough to get you the original caramel glaze.

Start the recipe by preparing the proportions of all products. You can use ingredients such as brown cane sugar and plain white sugar. To prepare, melt the butter in a saucepan and add the cream, stirring thoroughly so that the mixture is even and homogeneous.

Then pour a thin layer of sugar into the mixture. Melt the sugar over low heat, be sure to stir constantly, then the surface of the caramel will begin to acquire a creamy consistency.

After 2-3 minutes of smoothing the glaze, remove the mixture from the oven and add ½ tablespoons of powdered sugar. Allow the mixture to cool slightly and add the remaining vanilla powder.

That is all. The caramel is ready.

Caramel glaze
Caramel glaze

Photo: Yozlyam Kadyrova

The optimal temperature for application on a biscuit base is about 27-20 degrees.

Some chefs add gelatin to the sweet mixture, but experienced culinary experts do not.

Experiment with other dairy products, with spices - the variety of cooking methods is so wide that in any case you will find the method that is most convenient and tasty for you.
