You Attack The Refrigerator Because You Haven't Slept

You Attack The Refrigerator Because You Haven't Slept
You Attack The Refrigerator Because You Haven't Slept

Lately, people are finding less and less time for a good night's sleep and at the same time gaining more and more weight. Experts have repeatedly tried to explain the relationship between the two. Another similar study was conducted by scientists from the University of South Australia - Dr. Carol Meyer and Professor Tim Olds.

The specialists worked for their research for ten years. The results of a long study confirm that lack of sleep leads to many consequences for the body. Memory problems, decreased immunity, suicidal thoughts and moods are common, and hyperactivity is seen in children.

Weight gain is also part of the consequences of the lack of complete rest, experts are convinced. There is a relationship between the two conditions, which scientists compare to the shape of the English letter U (or the shape of a horseshoe).

The horizontal of the letter can show the duration of sleep, and the vertical - the risk of gaining weight, experts explain. If the rest is shorter than eight hours, a person is in great danger to health and will certainly gain weight, experts explain.

Insufficient time in bed raises blood sugar levels, the results of the study show. The level of hormones responsible for the feeling of satiety and hunger - leptin and ghrelin, can also change and increase a person's appetite.

Research by Professor Olds and Dr. Meyer shows that the so-called an epidemic of insomnia coincides with the epidemic of obesity. In adults, sleep has decreased by about 30 minutes a day in recent years, and in children - by an alarming 75 minutes.

Hypnotics cannot be a solution to the problem, scientists are adamant, because they also have their effects on the body. Scientists advise people not to try to fall asleep - if sleep does not come, it is better to do something else for an hour and then go to bed again.

The problem can be studied, but this requires a comprehensive approach, experts add. A distinction must be made between people who sleep 12 hours and do not move at all, and those who get up early, exercise and eat healthily.

One of the most important questions that science must answer is which is more useful - sports or sleep, the two scientists say.
