Weight Loss For The Lazy

Weight Loss For The Lazy
Weight Loss For The Lazy

Recent studies show that to lose weight, you do not have to live only on lettuce and cottage cheese. In this article we will tell you how to lose weight without starving.

Calm night

If you want to lose weight, get a good night's sleep. A recent study shows that lack of sleep disrupts hormonal balance, leading to changes in metabolism. Therefore, our body cannot process food properly.

Researchers in Japan studied 7-8-year-old children and found that those who slept less were three times more likely to be obese than those who slept 9-10 hours.

Weight loss for the lazy
Weight loss for the lazy

Lack of sleep is thought to be linked to an increase in the hormone cortisol, which can upset the balance of metabolism. Other studies show that this hormone has a negative effect on the work of carbohydrate metabolism and the endocrine system, complicating the process of processing carbohydrates into energy. As a result, unwanted fats and sugars are stored in the body in the form of extra pounds.

Further research confirms the link between lack of sleep and increased appetite mainly due to the fact that cortisol is needed precisely to control appetite.

Some scientists believe that the quality of sleep is important, not its quantity. Others believe that stress makes us eat more and disturbs sleep.

Eat grapefruit

Researchers from San Diego (California) believe that we can lose almost half a kilogram in a month if we add grapefruit to our normal diet. They studied 100 obese volunteers by asking one-third of them to eat grapefruit before each meal, another third to drink a glass of grapefruit juice before each meal, and the last one-third not to eat grapefruit at all.

Weight loss for the lazy
Weight loss for the lazy

After 12 weeks, the members of the group that ate grapefruit lost an average of 2.1 kilograms. The members of the group that drank grapefruit juice lost 1.8 kg, and those of the third group did not move at all.

"Including a grapefruit in your diet can really help. It lowers insulin, which in turn reduces the amount of fat stored in the body," says nutritionist Marilyn Glenville.

But she also warns: "If you are taking any medicine, you should consult your doctor. Grapefruit may slow down the absorption of herbs."

Love the spices

Research has shown that eating chili improves metabolism and reduces appetite. Other scientists say that spices slightly speed up the heart rate to beat faster, and so does everything else, including metabolism.

A study from Melbourne showed that volunteers who added paprika and caffeine to their diet consumed 1,000 fewer calories a day.

So, chili, cayenne pepper and mustard should help in the fight against weight gain.

Green tea

It is believed that drinking four cups of green tea a day helps to lose weight. An American study shows that one of the substances contained in green tea, catechol, improves metabolism and reduces the amount of fat by 30%.

Green and black teas are rich in natural antioxidants that fight the harmful effects of free radicals caused by pollution, smoking and sunlight. Among them is vitamin B6, which plays a key role in metabolism, as well as vitamins B1 and B2, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Green tea contains less caffeine and tannin than black tea.

Weight loss for the lazy
Weight loss for the lazy

Drink water before meals

Each time your hand reaches for food, reach for the other glass of water."We often confuse the feeling of hunger with that of thirst, because they arise very close to each other in the brain," said Joanna Hall, a nutritionist.

Water helps flush toxins from the body and all waste, but it also aids in weight loss.

A glass of water before a meal will help you lose weight because you will feel fuller. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day and reduce your consumption of tea, coffee and cola.

Have breakfast

Don't miss breakfast. Snacks, such as fruit, are also useful between meals.


The intake of vitamins provides the body with all the necessary substances and allows it to work more efficiently. Vitamin B, for example, is very important for weight loss. Chromium makes insulin work more efficiently and the body cannot keep sugar in the body in the form of fat. Magnesium is needed for insulin production.


The soup can help you lose weight. American scientists have found that people who eat a bowl of soup at the beginning of lunch consume 25% less fat than those who eat fatty snacks.
