Read The Labels On The Fruit Yourself

Read The Labels On The Fruit Yourself
Read The Labels On The Fruit Yourself

The fruits you buy from the store also have labels. Most often they have a code written on them, from where we can get important information about the fruit before consuming it.

Since there is a solid amount of imported fruit on the Bulgarian market, we need to know the method by which they are grown. For this reason, farmers are obliged to label them.

Every customer has seen the fruit stickers on the market, but the truth is that few people pay attention to them, and even fewer consumers know the meaning of the numbers on the label.

However, these numbers are not randomly selected, but inform the customer about the origin and method by which the fruits are grown. Through the labels we understand whether a fruit is GMO, whether pesticides have been used in its cultivation or is of organic origin.

If this code consists of four digits, the first of which starts with 3 or 4, it means that the fruit is grown with artificial fertilizers and is not of organic origin.


It used pesticides and methods of extraction from intensive agriculture in the second half of the twentieth century.

A five-digit code, the first of which is 9, indicates that the fruit is organic and organic without the use of pesticides. In the cultivation of these fruits are not used modern methods, but the known and old techniques for harvesting fruits and vegetables.

If the product has a five-digit code that starts with the number 8, it means that the product is GMO. In the European Union, most foods produced as GMOs are labeled.

In recent years, Member States have increasingly debated this issue, but there has been a consensus that it is useful for consumers to know whether they are eating GMOs or ordinary foods.

The label also gives the right to choose when shopping, which is why GMOs are labeled with stickers.
