Shopska Salad Is The Most Preferred European Dish

Shopska Salad Is The Most Preferred European Dish
Shopska Salad Is The Most Preferred European Dish

Ahead of the European elections, which will take place on 22 to 25 May, the European Parliament is organizing the Taste of Europe initiative, in which everyone can choose dishes from the continent via the social network Facebook, typical for each member state of the European Union.

So far, the Bulgarian Shopska salad ranks first with nearly 6,000 likes in the ranking of the most preferred traditional dishes. After the native Shopska salad comes the cold beet soup, typical of Lithuania, with more than 1,200 likes, and in third place is Romania with its traditional sweet cabbage sauerkraut, which has so far received just over 800 votes.

In addition to the dishes already listed, voters will be able to support Greek vine sarma dolmades, Portuguese duck rice, Spanish gazpacho, Belgian mussels with french fries, Italian spaghetti alla carbonara, potato dumplings with goat cheese from Slovakia and others.

Shopska salad is a dish from the category of appetizers, which is extremely popular in Bulgarian cuisine and is consumed mainly in summer.


As we all know, the Shopska salad is a salad of sliced cucumbers, tomatoes, roasted peppers (preferably raw), onions, chopped parsley and crushed (or grated) white brined cheese. Season with olive oil and wine vinegar or lemon juice if desired. In some parts of Bulgaria, a little garlic is added to the salad if the peppers are roasted.

Tomato salads are almost non-existent in the first Bulgarian cookbooks, and the Shopska salad itself is not reflected at all. Such a famous home-made salad was prepared for the first time by professional chefs from DSP Balkantourist in the mid-50s of the 20th century, and it looked different than today.

Her recipe was completed in the 1960s. It was then that the shredded cheese on top became an integral part of the famous Bulgarian salad. In the beginning, the Shopska salad was served only to the customers in the restaurants of Balkantourist, becoming a symbol of the native cuisine towards the end of the 70s.

Apart from the Balkans, the Shopska salad is prepared in Slovakia / šopský salát / and the Czech Republic. However, her recipe does not contain roasted peppers and sometimes onions, but the products are sprinkled with sugar.
