What Are White And Brown Fats?

What Are White And Brown Fats?
What Are White And Brown Fats?

There are two types of fats in our body that nutritionists and doctors like to classify as bad and good. The bad one is the ordinary white adipose tissue, which serves to store the fats entering the body and it is the one we should blame for being overweight.

Good fat is brown adipose tissue, whose cells are rich in mitochondria, which give them a brown color. The cells of this tissue burn fat, converting it into heat.

White adipose tissue occurs when connective tissue cells are loaded with fat. It is absorbed in the form of fine droplets in the cytoplasm - the liquid and soluble part of the cell. There the drops flow into larger drops and form balls. White fat, whose color is actually yellowish, in men is found mainly in the abdomen, and in women - around the buttocks, thighs, chest and abdomen.

The second type of fat in the human body is called brown fat, but in reality it is not brown at all, but has a reddish-orange hue. Why it is called brown is not clear.

The body has much less of this type of fat than white. In both men and women, it is located in the upper back between the shoulders. There it is located right between the muscles in the upper back and the skin.


Brown fat in the shoulder blades in babies is known to help them maintain their body temperature after birth. Until recently, it was thought that only the baby's body contained this type of fat, but studies have shown that it also exists in adults.

People who have more brown fat are weaker. The reason for this is that brown fat is activated by the cold and begins to burn calories faster than normal. In fact, when people shiver from the cold, the brown fat becomes active and begins to burn subcutaneous deposits in a completely natural way.

Scientists hope that the discovery could lead to the development of a method to activate this fat and achieve additional calorie burning without exercise.
