How To Get Rid Of Water Retention In The Body

How To Get Rid Of Water Retention In The Body
How To Get Rid Of Water Retention In The Body

Water retention - that unpleasant feeling we all know. Just a day of deviating from the perfect diet can cost us a few days to regain our old shape. The truth is that many women think that the retained water takes them back days, even weeks, because the scale shows a few pounds on top. This is a myth. The reason for the bidding is the water, as it can show a deviation of even 5 kilograms.

The feeling is certainly unpleasant - we feel heavy and full. Fortunately, this is just water that we can get rid of quite easily. Whether the causes are too much salt, too many carbohydrates, too much sugar, hormonal causes, there are universal methods that will help you get in shape quickly.

Drink twice as much water

On the day you wake up swollen, you should drink plenty of water. This means almost double the liters you are used to, and it is recommended to take between 2 and 4 liters on this day. Drink it throughout the day, not all at once, as this can further contribute to bloating.

Do not consume any salt

How to get rid of water retention in the body
How to get rid of water retention in the body

None means no - and don't compromise. This means no purchased food, no packet food, no crackers, no roasted nuts, rusks or salads. The products you buy from the store have the most salt - this includes all biscuits and pickles, ready-made sauces and salads, no matter how useful they promise you to be.

Only homemade food

Eat homemade food and focus on vegetables and meat, let it be grilled or cooked, and salads - without heavy dressings and almost no salt.

The right vegetables

How to get rid of water retention in the body
How to get rid of water retention in the body

Choose vegetables that will not swell you further - avoid peppers, peel tomatoes, do not eat cabbage. You can also eat stewed vegetables, as they are quite easy to digest, and at the same time provide you with water and fiber.

Strike out carbs for a few days

This means no wholemeal bread, pasta, oatmeal. Undoubtedly, they are very useful, but in days of swelling they can make you feel even worse - all of these foods have the ability to swell in your stomach.

Natural diuretics

How to get rid of water retention in the body
How to get rid of water retention in the body

In case you feel very bad and the amount of water retention seems extreme, you can resort to natural diuretics - such as mint tea, mint, dandelion root and a decoction of boiled parsley. Not all of these are delicious, but they do an amazingly good job!
