Kimchi - Korean Pickle On The UNESCO List

Kimchi - Korean Pickle On The UNESCO List
Kimchi - Korean Pickle On The UNESCO List

Kimchi is a pickle, the main ingredient of which is Chinese cabbage. In fact, this traditional Korean pickle is somewhat reminiscent of our sauerkraut. The main difference is that a lot of spices are added to kimchi.

The following products are most often added - onion juice, garlic juice, tomatoes, carrots, celery, radishes, cucumbers, arpadzhik and the obligatory hot red pepper. In fact, in different parts of Korea you can find different recipes for spicy pickles. Preparations for it begin in the fall.

Unlike the Bulgarian sauerkraut, which is consumed in the winter, in Korea they put hot kimchi on the table during the other seasons as well.

Kimchi is usually served as a side dish to a dish - most often pickles are served with rice. According to some sources, there are over a hundred types of kimchi - the main differences are in the products used.

Chinese cabbage
Chinese cabbage

Kimchi became especially popular at the Olympic Games in Seoul in 1988 - thousands of visitors to the Olympics have benefited and tasted the spicy pickle.

Then kimchi began to be offered in fast food restaurants and is now as popular as Japanese sushi, for example. The interesting spicy pickle can also be found in London restaurants.


Today, this pickle can be found in almost every supermarket in Korea. In the past, however, people prepared it at home, and in large quantities. It was stored in clay pots, which were buried in the ground - because of the porous structure of the clay, the spicy pickle was preserved for a long time.

According to most Koreans, kimchi is an ideal remedy for colds and flu. In addition, locals believe that one of the reasons for their longevity is the spicy pickle.

Kimchi is gaining more and more popularity in the world - the preparation of pickles is already recognized by UNESCO as a world intangible cultural heritage. According to the organization, the traditional Korean dish reminds how much it is necessary to live in harmony with nature.
