Hunger For Sweets - What Is The Reason?

Hunger For Sweets - What Is The Reason?
Hunger For Sweets - What Is The Reason?

It is unlikely that there will be a person who does not like to eat sweets and indulge in various temptations. This is perfectly normal, considering that sweets make us feel happy and even help us if our mood is bad.

Most people, however, do have it an obsessive desire to eat sweetswhich they cannot handle. But what is the reason for this and do we really have to fight this desire? Nutritionist Elena Solomatina shares her opinion on this topic in front of Radio Sputnik, including where this frantic desire comes from.

Hunger for sweets - what is due? See more in the following lines:

Many people try to lead a healthier life, trying to eliminate harmful habits such as smoking. Changing your diet is not always an easy task and we are not talking about laziness here.

However, it is important to keep in mind that if you do not have any diseases, then you can eat everything, but in small amounts and in moderation. The most important thing, according to Solomatina, is not to blame yourself and not to whip yourself if you have decided to pamper yourself with something sweet.

However, we are not superhumans and it is perfectly normal to sometimes want some chocolate or some other temptation. You have to learn to balance and this is the secret of most of the stars who have a perfect figure, and here it is important to remember that an active life is also an integral part of your change.

The nutritionist is of the opinion that sometimes even "culinary escapes" are much more useful than strict dietary restrictions. If you feel like eating a lot now, then eat it, but in moderation, because if you limit yourself constantly to everything, then you will just collapse mentally, which is even more harmful.

hunger for sweets - causes
hunger for sweets - causes

However, if you have the intrusive desire to eat constantly sweet and in larger quantities, then it is important to try to understand the reason for this, which can be both mental and physical. For example, you may be missing some elements and this may be the reason for your frantic desire, such as chromium, magnesium, B vitamins.

Chromium can be obtained from various additives, as well as if you eat more meat or delicious seafood. Magnesium, on the other hand, is found in vegetables and some seeds, while vitamin B is found in meat and grains. That is why it is important that your menu is varied and healthy.

The reason may be a change in your life, such as the loss of a loved one or divorce, as well as a number of other problems. Whether this will affect you largely depends on how unstable your psyche is.

If the reason is this, then try to distract yourself, pursue your favorite hobby or do more sports. In general, however, you should not panic if you feel like it eats jam sometimes because that's how we sweeten our lives.
