How To Smoke Meat Yourself

How To Smoke Meat Yourself
How To Smoke Meat Yourself

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The use of heat and smoke to preserve meat and fish has been practiced for thousands of years. Modern methods of food storage are effective enough to extend their shelf life. But there are other ways that follow ancient practices and that give us better opportunities to extend the shelf life of meat, entirely at home.

When the meat is smoked, the heat is low and the meat is cooked slowly to ensure excellent results and authentic taste. Here's how to smoke meat in a few easy steps.

step 1

Light a fire with completely dry wood in a combustion chamber, fireplace or fireplace, depending on what you have in your house. Allow the fire to burn until you get red coals (embers). This can take several hours, depending on the size of the fire and the amount of meat you want to smoke.

Step 2

Add green (raw) wood over charcoal or wood embers to rekindle the fire. Green wood, unlike dry wood, is what limits the temperature and makes the fire smolder. The wood should begin to smolder and produce smoke, but not burn with flame.

Step 3


On a suitable stand (you can also use bricks) with the help of skewers or sticks, place the meat over the smoking wood so that the smoke reaches evenly on all sides. Periodically rotate the meat for optimal results. Remember that you should not allow the fire to ignite. If this happens again, repeat the above steps until you get a new embers.

Step 4

Allow the meat to smoke for at least a few hours. The time will vary depending on the temperature and the type of meat product. When completely smoked, the meat will be light brown in color.

Smoked meat is a great appetizer, a wonderful product that gives an authentic flavor to your dishes and something you can do absolutely on your own if you have a few free hours.
