The Secret Of Real Italian Cookies

The Secret Of Real Italian Cookies
The Secret Of Real Italian Cookies

Biscuits di Prato - This is the earliest name by which cookies appear. They were first made in the city of Prato, Italy. The word biscotti comes from the Latin word BISCOCTUS, meaning double baked.

September 29 in the United States and some parts of the world is celebrated biscuit daywhich is an occasion to talk a little more about these crunchy classics in confectionery.

Years ago, people realized that crunchy biscuits baked on both sides were more durable and fit for storage. Pliny the Elder even claimed that this type of food could be consumed even after centuries.

The first written recipe for cookies is from several centuries ago and to this day is stored in the city of Prato. Today, in different parts of Italy, they are also known as cantuccini, influenced by the culture and differences of each city. Among other things, ready-made cookies are used in many cakes and pastries such as Tiramisu and are a great substitute for cake marshmallows.

Here's how you can do it yourself to Make Italian Cookies | at home:

Cake with cookies
Cake with cookies

Necessary products:

2 tsp flour, 1/2 tsp. cocoa (natural), 1 tsp. sugar; 1/2 tsp salt; 1/2 tsp soda; 1 tsp sugar; ¾ tsp baking powder; 1/2 tsp melted butter; 1/2 tsp vanilla extract, ½ tsp. walnuts wholesale, ½ tsp. dried fruits, 2 eggs.

Method of preparation:

All dry ingredients are mixed. Add the previously beaten eggs and butter. Start kneading until a sticky-hard mixture is achieved. Add the walnuts and dried fruits.

Note! - the secret ingredient of Italian cookies is the addition of salt and soda. Seeming at first glance unacceptable, they are the ones who, added in the right amount, give a unique and inimitable taste.

After mixing the dough well, pour it on baking paper in a pan. It is formed in the oblong and rectangular shape of an eye with a height of about 1-2 cm.

Italian cookies
Italian cookies

The oven must be preheated - bake for 25 minutes at 180 ° C. Once it is ready, take it out and wait for it to cool for about 30-45 minutes. Cut it into slices and wait for it to cool completely. If you feel the need, you can lightly bake them a second time as separate cakes arranged in a pan.

When ready, they can be stored for quite a long time, either in a box or in the refrigerator.

Once you have prepared your cookies, with the finished ones biscotti you can easily make a cookie cake or cream with cookies.

Enjoy your meal!
