Do You Like White Seeds?

Do You Like White Seeds?
Do You Like White Seeds?

Great pleasure - an evening with sunflower seeds in front of the TV, right? !!

Doing this at home is absolutely legal. But there are countries where this occupation is prohibited by law. A few years ago, Romania, for example, officially banned seed hatching in the streets.

Sunflower seed
Sunflower seed

Billboards have even appeared in the capital, Bucharest, encouraging citizens not to pollute their city with shells.

In Bucharest, the law succeeded, but in Romanian villages the idea proved fantastically unrealistic.

In 2002, a similar law was passed by Vladimir Putin. The sale of sunflower seeds was banned on the territory of Vladivostok.

Peeling sunflowers while talking to someone is considered bad taste in Muslim countries.

But there are opposite examples. During the years of perestroika in Yerevan, for example, it was opened in a cinema, where, in addition to smoking, moviegoers were explicitly allowed to "tick" seeds.

Sunflower seeds
Sunflower seeds

The disadvantages of sunflower passion:

- When you peel sunflower seeds, you damage the enamel of your teeth. The constant peeling of the seeds affects the tooth enamel, which subsequently leads to caries.

- They are a high-calorie product. 100 grams contain 520 kcal. This is equal to 200 grams of bread, about 100 grams of chocolate, about 200 grams of pork chop.

Excluding these two facts, sunflower seeds are a useful food product. They contain vitamin E (prevents the formation of premature wrinkles and heart attacks).

Vitamin A is (necessary for the skin and good eyesight, B vitamins (affect against depression and insomnia), vitamin D (important for bone strength and calcium absorption by the body).

Zinc (important for the fresh look of the face, healthy hair and nails and good immunity), magnesium (useful for the heart and nervous system, has to do with muscle formation).
