They Created An Aphrodisiac Peanut With The Aroma Of Roasted Almonds

They Created An Aphrodisiac Peanut With The Aroma Of Roasted Almonds
They Created An Aphrodisiac Peanut With The Aroma Of Roasted Almonds

Bulgarian scientists from the Institute of Plant Genetic Resources in the town of Sadovo have created an aphrodisiac peanut that has the aroma of freshly roasted almonds.

The newly created variety of peanuts is named after the mythical Thracian singer Orpheus and is officially included in the variety list of Bulgaria.

The peanut Orpheus is the only white peanut selected by Bulgarian scientists. All other varieties that Bulgarian scientists have selected so far have a red color of the shell. Orpheus is characterized by creamy-white scales and a specific aroma of roasted almonds.


The scientific team, the author of the discovery, proudly reveal that in addition to the specific aroma, their peanut is also a powerful aphrodisiac.

This is due to the increased amount of essential amino acids, which are at least 5-6% higher than those of other varieties. In addition, Orpheus has a high protein content - about 29% and is rich in vitamin B and vitamin E, which is known to have a direct effect on male sexual potency.

Sexual power
Sexual power

An additional plus of white peanuts is that they are low in calories. One hundred grams of Orpheus peanuts contain only 601 kcal, against 650 kcal / 100 g for other Bulgarian varieties.

Its oil has a higher stability compared to existing varieties. This reduces the likelihood of free radical formation in the body of people who eat it regularly.

The newly created variety is part of the Valencia variety family. It is also extremely resistant to economically important diseases that affect peanut crops.

Scientists from the Institute of Plant and Genetic Resources promise that the selected variety Orpheus will bring high yields to farmers who grow it. Scientists expect peanuts to yield 17% higher than the national standard.

Peanut nuts Orpheus are very large - 1000 seeds of the variety reach a weight of 890 g, which brings it closer to the largest nuts among peanuts - Virgin varieties.
