They Poison Us With Turkish Tomatoes Sprayed With The Carcinogenic DDT

They Poison Us With Turkish Tomatoes Sprayed With The Carcinogenic DDT
They Poison Us With Turkish Tomatoes Sprayed With The Carcinogenic DDT

Vegetables produced in Turkey, which are sprayed with the banned in the EU and Bulgaria insecticide DDT, are imported en masse. The importer of coffee and sweets Kostadin Dimitrov alerted about the danger.

Dimitrov regularly travels to Turkey for goods. On one of his last trips, he met an acquaintance, an emigrant in our southern neighbor. The man has lived in Turkey for years and was engaged in agriculture.

In the course of the conversation between the two, it became clear that it is a common practice among the neighbors to treat the vegetable plantations with the insecticide DDT, which is banned in the countries of the European Union, incl. and Bulgaria, but not in Turkey.

The poisonous insecticide was widely used both in large greenhouse complexes and on field plantations, as it was a great remedy for all bugs.

It is not the first time that information has been published that greens in Turkey are widely treated with DDT against pests. Last year, a former professor at the Agricultural College in Sadovo also announced that Turkish tomatoes, which are regularly present at our table, have been sprayed with the insecticide DDT.

Statistics show that we have year-round imports of vegetables from Turkey. Home markets and markets are flooded with zucchini, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant and more. vegetables, imported from our southern neighbor.

A few days ago, the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency (BFSA) announced that it is launching a series of intensified inspections for the content of pesticide residues in front fruits and vegetables.


Experts will prioritize inspections of tomatoes, cucumbers, peaches, apricots and cherries originating in third countries - produced by countries that are not members of the European Union.

A few days ago, a shipment of vegetables from Turkey was stopped at Kapitan Andreevo and returned with infected pesticide residues, the Food Agency informed at the time. However, the BFSA declined to comment on whether it was DDT or another pesticide.

Dichloro-diphenyl, trichloroethane or DDT is an insecticide that has been widely used in the recent past. It is practically insoluble in water, but has a high solubility in fats and organic solvents. It has the property of paralyzing the nervous system of insects, causing their death.

But DDT is absorbed by plants and accumulates in the human body (in adipose tissue). In humans, it is thought to cause liver damage.

According to some, DDT promotes the appearance of tumors and causes mutations. The insecticide accumulates in the soil, where it can remain for decades.
