Why Is There Sugar In The Ham From The Store?

Why Is There Sugar In The Ham From The Store?
Why Is There Sugar In The Ham From The Store?

Many pork dishes and delicacies can be prepared from fresh pork leg, but undoubtedly the most preferred among the delicacies is ham.

It is no coincidence that the history of this delicious dried meat is long, and the traditions are among the most valued. Since the first century BC the ham has attracted people's attention and to this day it is an invariable attitude, because it is a unique taste of meat and durability, which allows storage and consumption of pork in different situations and a variety of recipes.

There are many technologies for making homemade ham, diversified by the peculiarities of the food preferences of people in different regions, the climatic conditions and culinary traditions.

Ham traditionally is too monotonous as preparation. It's made of pork leg, which is dried, salted and then smoked or otherwise treated to acquire any specific and distinctive taste or aroma.

Often at sugar was also used in the preparation of ham. It has been added not only to modulate the taste, but also because of the properties of the natural product as a preservative. This is the main reason in ham from the store to detect the presence of sugar.

The sugar in the factory-made product has another meaning of use. It is known that there are microorganisms in every product and this is especially true for animal products. In order for these microorganisms to grow, they need water. In its crystalline form, sucrose, at a sufficient concentration of sugar will suck all the water around and make the product unfit for microbial growth.

Sugar in the ham
Sugar in the ham

Most microbes cannot cope with such an environment and when they are surrounded by too much sugar or salt, they die.

Another mechanism by which sugar destroys the activity of microbes is the ability to weaken the molecular structure of its DNA. Sugar acts as a preservative indirectly, accelerating the accumulation of compounds with antimicrobial action.

With the help of preservatives, the appearance of mold, external tastes and aromas, uncharacteristic of the food product, is stopped.

Food preservatives can be chemical and they have a harmful effect on the body. However, sugar is a natural preservative given by nature, and although along with salt they have some negative effects on health, they are the preferred choice for preserving food for longer.

Sugar in the ham it also acts as a flavoring and enhancer, replacing other harmful ingredients of chemical origin.
