The Most Difficult To Digest Products

The Most Difficult To Digest Products
The Most Difficult To Digest Products

In order to eat properly, we need to know not only how many calories in the food, but also the time for which the product is digested by the body.

In this way, it is clear to us when we unnecessarily burden our stomach with a meaningless load between lunch and dinner. Products that are absorbed quickly by the body give fast energy, and products that are absorbed slowly provide a longer feeling of satiety.

For example, in an hour and a half grind the lemon. Avocados, grapes, mangoes, olives and raspberries are digested in one hour and forty-five minutes.

In two hours our body copes with cherries, grapefruit, oranges, raisins, coconut milk, garlic, potatoes, tomatoes and brown rice. In two hours and fifteen minutes we digest fresh figs, pears, pineapple, strawberries, carrots, cabbage and lettuce.

It takes two and a half hours for our body to absorb dates, dried figs, fresh peaches, roasted almonds, green spices, onions, mushrooms, legumes, white rice.

Brussels sprouts
Brussels sprouts

Grind fresh apples, apricots, prunes, watermelon, chestnuts, walnuts, beets, zucchini and wheat bran in two hours and forty-five minutes. Three hours are enough to bold our stomachs prunes, lime, pistachios, broccoli, corn, spinach, soybeans, wheat germ.

For three hours and fifteen minutes grind melon, olive oil, cashews, pomegranate, dried coconut, celery, cucumbers, peppers, pumpkin, turnips, peas, peanuts, wheat. For three and a half hours - eggplant, mustard, dried peas, soybean oil, rye.

For three hours and forty-five minutes - heavenly apples, quinces, red cabbage, barley. It takes four hours for our stomachs to deal with Brussels sprouts and horseradish.
