Don't Poison Your Children With Nutella

Don't Poison Your Children With Nutella
Don't Poison Your Children With Nutella

Nutella advertising is large-scale, but also misleading. People believe that this is a healthy product, but no one knows that liquid chocolate contains 4 GMO ingredients and other harmful substances. To ruin your health, you only need one of the genetically modified ingredients.

Nutella is found in almost every home. They claim that it is healthy, releases the hormone of happiness and people enjoy this delicacy. The hazelnuts in the cream are high in vitamin E, magnesium and fatty acids. Skim milk is available as a healthy food for teeth and bones.

Every child enjoys a slice smeared with Nutella and eats greedily.

But let's see what exactly such chocolate contains. First, it is refined sugar - there is up to 21 g per 2 tablespoons, and this is equal to one chocolate, but the scary thing is that the sugar is not real, but is from genetically modified sugar beets. This makes the product cheaper and the companies at a profit. Sugar beet is full of chemicals and pesticides. This sugar is neurotoxic, destroys brain cells.

Nutella is 55% refined sugar. This makes children hyperactive, and leads to depression, autism and anxiety.

The second ingredient is palm oil. If used in small amounts, it is good, but it is often overdone. When produced by hydrogenation, it leads to childhood obesity and metabolic disorders.

Chocolate spread
Chocolate spread

The third GMO product is soy. In Western countries, it is produced through GMOs and consumed in large quantities. Nutella contains soy lecithin, emulsifiers and is dangerous to your child's health. It suppresses the activity of the thyroid gland and leads to breast cancer.

Soy lecithin is a by-product of soybean oil. The whole amount of soy in liquid chocolate is GMO, and animals also eat it.

Skimmed milk in Nutella also full of harmful ingredients. The milk is not from cows grazing freely on green meadows, but from animals fed with harmful substances such as antibiotics and the like. This also worsens the quality of the product.

And remember - it is dangerous to consume liquid chocolate in large quantities. Find out for yourself, but don't allow your children to eat an unlimited amount of Nutella to stay healthy.
