If You Come Across This Fruit, Be Sure To Stock Up On It

If You Come Across This Fruit, Be Sure To Stock Up On It
If You Come Across This Fruit, Be Sure To Stock Up On It

Abiu is a fruit native to Australia. It is also characteristic of the warm and humid lowlands of South America. Abiu is usually consumed fresh. Cutting it in half, you find soft flesh inside. The creamy white inside is extremely delicate, slightly sweet, with a strong fresh taste of caramel and vanilla.

It is most delicious chilled, especially added to yogurt or fruit salad. In Latin America, people make ice cream, as well as other delicate desserts such as fruit cakes and pastries with abiou.

It contains a large amount of vitamin A, which is conducive to healthy vision. It also helps prevent several eye diseases. It is also recommended for people with hair loss, skin and nail diseases. Rich in vitamin C, this fruit can help us improve the quality of defense mechanisms.

They are actually essential for us, as it can help us prevent some dangerous viruses as well as bacterial infections. Another benefit for our health is the high fiber content. They optimize the digestive system, control intestinal problems and also control weight.


Photo: Fazendacitra

In the countries where Abiu is grown, it is used to relieve coughs, respiratory diseases and all kinds of lung problems in general. The inclusion of vitamin B3, which is also found in this fruit, supports the health of the skin, central nervous system and digestive system.

The fruits Abiu are full of calcium. As we all know, it helps to improve bone mass and strengthen teeth.


Photo: Fazendacitra

Due to the content of iron increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, so it is recommended as a general tonic and especially in cases of anemia.

There are no contraindications to the consumption of Abiu, except in very rare cases, an allergic reaction.
