Immunity In Top Form Only With These Tips

Immunity In Top Form Only With These Tips
Immunity In Top Form Only With These Tips

To make sure that the winter and spring viruses pass us by, we need to do something. Here are some easy remedies to boost your body's natural defenses.

Probiotic barrier

More than 60% of our immune cells are in the gut - this is scientifically proven! However, billions of bacteria also live there. When the balance of the intestinal flora is disturbed, it ceases to be a barrier to diseased microorganisms. However, if we take probiotics, this problem can be solved! Probiotics are living organisms that are helpers of the beneficial bacteria that exist in the gut. Artichokes and onions can further help balance the intestinal flora.

Balance on the plate

Omega 3
Omega 3

During the winter epidemics it is good to eat more protein. Sugar and fatty foods such as meat, sausages and butter should be limited. Here, however, it is important to note that we should not stop taking omega-3 fats, because they make cell membranes more flexible and facilitate the exchange between cells. You can also think of rapeseed oil, as well as some fish. Herring, salmon, shrimp, tuna - all suitable foods. If you are on a diet, it is important to know that so-called oily fish actually contain less lipids than meat.

The power of antioxidants


When we take antioxidant vitamins and minerals, we reduce the risk of cancer by up to 30%. A very good combination is of vitamins A, C and E, as well as the minerals zinc and selenium. In winter we can help ourselves with an additional intake of vitamin C. The intake of 8 kiwis a day fills us with 500 milligrams of vitamin C - this is the maximum intake per day. From the stress during the cold months, the immune system immediately weakens significantly. Therefore, we can increase the intake of B vitamins and magnesium, which are especially effective against stress.

Suitable herbs


Echinacea is traditionally the strongest plant weapon against viral infections in the cold months. Its qualities have been proven over time, by many American and German studies. Suitable natural remedies are grapefruit seed extract, fresh bee pollen, royal jelly, cocoa, as well as the Asian shiitake mushroom. This Asian mushroom stimulates the immune system thanks to the polysaccharides it contains.

Homeopathy against infections


It is a particularly effective preventive measure in young children during influenza epidemics. Homeopathic products are taken for a longer period of time, but on the other hand they are quite successfully combined with other alternative solutions such as vitamins, herbs and various aromatic oils.
