How To Get Rid Of Basic Bad Habits In The Kitchen

How To Get Rid Of Basic Bad Habits In The Kitchen
How To Get Rid Of Basic Bad Habits In The Kitchen

Often the hosts allow the indulgence of harmful habits in the kitchen, which interfere with cooking and are even able to spoil the dish.

One of the most common mistakes that hosts make is to heat the oil in the pan to the point where it starts to smoke. This usually happens when they turn their backs on the stove to do something else and slip away.

Although the oil is already smoking, the hostess puts in it the products she intends to fry, and this is absolutely wrong. When the oil overheats, harmful compounds are formed.

You can cook safely with any type of butter or oil, as long as it has not started smoking. To fry the products without harming your health and that of your guests and relatives, put the food in oil that has just started to squeak.

Another common mistake is to stir the food too often while cooking. Constant stirring does not allow the food to be well heat-treated, and this leads to its becoming a real mess.

How to get rid of basic bad habits in the kitchen
How to get rid of basic bad habits in the kitchen

Pouring too many products into the pan or saucepan is also a mistake that is made quite often. Cooking requires patience, and it is so much easier to fill the pan to the brim with products. However, this slows down the cooking process and turns the food into an unattractive strange mixture that looks like porridge.

If you want to get delicious food with a crispy crust, pour a little of the products into the pan. The same goes for the meat - if you put a lot of meat in the pan, the temperature of the fat decreases very quickly and this leads to the meat sticking to the pan.

Cutting the meat as soon as it is removed from the barbecue is also a mistake. After removing the meat from the grill, let it rest for at least five minutes so that its juice spreads evenly. So each piece will be much juicier. If you start cutting it immediately, the juice will run out and will not stay in the meat.

Mixing hot liquids in the blender to make a cream soup can cause the lid of the appliance to fall out. This is due to the steam coming out of the hot liquids. Therefore, mix the liquids only when the blender is half full.

Kneading the dough for too long is also a mistake. It leads to the formation of super-sticky areas in the dough and the pastry is firm.
