10 Vegetables That Are Better To Eat Cooked

10 Vegetables That Are Better To Eat Cooked
10 Vegetables That Are Better To Eat Cooked

Eating the recommended two cups of vegetables a day may seem like a daunting task to many, but it really isn't that much when you realize you don't have to eat it all raw.

As a matter of fact, some foods become richer in bioavailable nutrients once cooked. Despite the common claim that cooking destroys vitamins and other nutrients, the truth is that the amount of antioxidants, vitamins and even cancer-fighting compounds are in the greatest amounts, when you cook certain vegetables the right way.

Here is a list of 10 vegetables that will become tastier and more useful when cooking:

1. Asparagus

Raw asparagus can be quite tough and firm, and none of these qualities predispose to proper absorption of nutrients. However, if you just boil them for a few minutes or throw them in the pan for 10-15 minutes with a little olive oil, their thick cell walls will begin to flake, releasing many nutrients.

Cooking increases the amount of vitamins A, C and E, as well as folic and ferulic acid (anti-aging antioxidant) in asparagus. One study claims that cooking asparagus increases their antioxidants by 16-25%. Another study found that cooking increased the amount of phenolic acid, which is an antioxidant associated with lowering the risk of cancer.

2. Pumpkin

pumpkin is very useful cooked
pumpkin is very useful cooked

Eating raw pumpkin is not common, but there is no danger in it. However, cooking pumpkin, whether in the form of soup, pie or whatever else you can think of, will increase the nutrient content many times over. Just like asparagus, the vitamin A content in pumpkin becomes easier to digest, so you end up absorbing more of it.

Apart from that, cooking increases the amount of carotenoid antioxidants available in pumpkin, which are known for their immunostimulating effect.

3. Green beans (and other legumes)

When it comes to beans, be they green beans, peas or chickpeas, cooking is essential. Stewed green beans have been found to be much better at lowering cholesterol than raw beans. However, a different study claims that cooking or steaming green beans can really reduce the nutrient content, so it is better to choose a different cooking method, such as baking, microwave cooking or even frying. As for beans, they must be cooked because they contain toxic proteins called lectins, which are destroyed during cooking. If you decide to eat it raw, beans can upset your stomach.

4. Mushrooms

If cooking some vegetables only increases their nutrient content when it comes to mushrooms, cooking is the only thing that can allow your body to absorb any nutrients from them.

Raw mushrooms are essentially indigestible by the body and pass straight through the digestive system, but any kind of heat helps to release many nutrients such as proteins, B vitamins and antioxidants. The US Department of Agriculture also claims that cooking increases the levels of potassium and zinc in mushrooms.

5. Spinach

cooking spinach
cooking spinach

Spinach is actually healthy both raw and cooked, but each of these ways offers a different set of nutrients, so it is recommended that you consume it in both conditions.

To be more specific, nutrients such as vitamins B2, B3, C and potassium are best absorbed by raw spinach, while cooking can increase the availability of vitamins A, B1 and E, protein, zinc, calcium and iron. Folic acid levels, which have been linked to a reduced risk of cancer, remain the same in both cases.

6. Camby

If you cook the combs carefully, you will be able to keep the available vitamin C they contain, and you will also increase the presence of antioxidants, such as ferulic acid and carotenoids. To do this, cook peppers only until soft on the outside, but still crispy. You can use other cooking methods, it is just important not to overdo the heat.

7. Eggplant

People usually eat eggplant cooked and not just because raw eggplant contains a toxin called solanine, which could potentially upset the stomach. Still, it is important to know what kind of cooking would provide us with the most nutrients from eggplant.

When it comes to aubergines, roasting them will retain more chlorogenic acid - a compound that can potentially lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes as it slows down the absorption of glucose into the blood. Cooked or stewed eggplants will contain more antioxidants and cholesterol-lowering compounds. The aubergines are vegetables that must be eaten cooked.

8. Carrots

You've probably heard of beta-carotene - a carotenoid antioxidant that is transformed into vitamin A in our body. Vitamin A in turn plays a key role in vision, bone growth and immune health. Beta-carotene is also the compound that gives carrots their orange color.

There are several things you can do to maximize the amount of carotene in your carrots. First, it's best not to peel carrots, as studies show that this helps preserve up to 13% more beta-carotene. Also, it is best to cook carrots with a minimum amount of water, so cooking it in the microwave or baking it are excellent options.

9. Broccoli (and other cruciferous vegetables)

cruciferous should be cooked to be more useful
cruciferous should be cooked to be more useful

Cruciferous vegetables want a little more toy, but in the end the variety of health benefits they offer justifies the time required to prepare them. Cruciferous vegetables include: broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kale, watercress and bok choy.

All of these vegetables contain sugars that can be difficult to digest and can therefore cause bloating when eaten raw. This problem can be easily solved with any type of heat treatment. Raw kale also contains compounds that can prevent the absorption of iodine, which in turn can contribute to thyroid problems, especially if you eat very fresh kale. Fortunately, cooking also destroys this harmful compound.

In addition to destroying potentially harmful compounds, heat can also increase the amount of nutrients available in cruciferous vegetables. Especially in boiled cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and Brussels sprouts, which contain indole and other anti-cancer compounds.

10. Tomatoes

Eating raw tomatoes is not a problem, but if you want to absorb the substances they contain to help fight cancer, it is advisable to cook them beforehand. This will increase the amount of lycopene available - a powerful antioxidant whose high intake predisposes to a lower risk of many diseases, including cancer and heart disease. Tomatoes are among vegetables that are better to eat cooked.

Keep in mind, however, that it is not recommended to mix foods rich in lycopene, such as tomatoes and red peppers, with foods high in iron, such as red meat, as the combination can destroy lycopene and you will get virtually none.
