Will Bulgarian Wine Become More Expensive?

Will Bulgarian Wine Become More Expensive?
Will Bulgarian Wine Become More Expensive?

The unfavorable meteorological conditions observed since the beginning of the summer managed to have a negative effect on a large part of the agricultural production.

Unfortunately, the grapes were also not spared by heavy rains and hail. So bad weather inevitably left an imprint on the quantity of the harvest and its quality. However, will this affect the price of domestic wine?

Despite the bad weather in some parts of the country, there is still hope for a good harvest. At the moment, a sharp rise in the price of Bulgarian wine is not expected, commented the head of the Executive Agency for Vineyards and Wine Krassimir Koev, quoted by DariknewsBg.

Koev believes that despite the bad weather this summer, the situation is not so critical at the moment. According to him, the harvest is completely lost only where the hail has completely ruined both the fruit and the leaves of the grapes. Fortunately, however, such areas are not large.

Will Bulgarian wine become more expensive?
Will Bulgarian wine become more expensive?

The damage caused by time is not on huge areas. The affected areas are from 50 to 150 acres. As not all of them were completely destroyed, commented the head of the Executive Agency for Vineyards.

He does not predict a big jump in the prices of Bulgarian wine, but he did not hide that this year the wine producers in our country had higher costs compared to the previous year.
