Spices During Pregnancy

Spices During Pregnancy
Spices During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a period during which spices have no place in a woman's menu. This is either because the expectant mother does not tolerate them, or doctors advise not to overdo some of them - such as spicy spices.

It has been found that too spicy or salty foods are not suitable for pregnant women. However, green spices are extremely useful because they soothe the stomach, aid digestion and increase tone.

It is important for pregnant women to prefer spices that have undergone heat treatment. They should not use ready-made mixtures of spices, because they contain a lot of salt. They should know that dried spices are much more concentrated than those in raw form.

Consumption of parsley in the first trimester of pregnancy is not recommended. In the following months, it can be added to meals, but only in moderation. Parsley increases the flow of milk after birth.


Dill is rich in many vitamins and trace elements that are needed by expectant mothers, but should be taken in limited quantities. It is extremely suitable after pregnancy because, like parsley, it increases the flow of milk and soothes the baby's colic.

Bay leaf should be avoided during the nine months because in large quantities it causes uterine contractions.

According to Indians, if a pregnant woman consumes turmeric regularly, the baby will have wonderful shiny skin. Turmeric is a natural analgesic, but you should be careful with it because it has a dehydrating effect.

Coriander invigorates, removes acids and improves digestion. Has a slight draining effect. It works great against fatigue typical of pregnant women.


The infusion of ginger root helps against morning sickness, typical of the first trimester of pregnancy. Ginger fights colds, boosts immunity, removes toxins and improves digestion.

Cinnamon should not be used during pregnancy because it has a negative effect on the uterus.

Garlic should also be consumed with caution as it can cause uterine contractions.

Black pepper tones and improves digestion, but is not recommended for pregnant women with ulcers or gastritis.
