There Are No Hormones In Bulgarian Chicken

There Are No Hormones In Bulgarian Chicken
There Are No Hormones In Bulgarian Chicken

The Minister of Agriculture and Food Dimitar Grekov announced that no hormones were found in the chicken meat offered by the home farms after the inspections.

The results of the inspections show that Bulgarian consumers can rest assured when they buy chicken, because no violations have been found by Bulgarian poultry farmers.

Minister Grekov announced that the scope of inspections will be expanded, starting from feed mills and reaching as far as hypermarkets.

Chicken with Antibiotics
Chicken with Antibiotics

According to the line minister, most of the raw materials in the feed mills are Bulgarian, and the imported impurities that are found in some places are controlled from import to export.

Trade companies and companies that import chicken meat will be inspected this week to determine if the imported meat contains hormones.

A large operation was held in Dupnitsa, where no hormones were found in the chicken meat.

The agriculture minister said there should be no panic among people, arguing that the only reason for the rapid growth of chickens is hormones and drugs.

"If we follow the whole process and technology of raising chickens over the years, we will see that there are also new technologies in agriculture," said Professor Grekov.


He added that Bulgarian veterinarians and specialists are well informed about all new products of the pharmaceutical industry, so it is impossible for Bulgarian production to use unknown stimulants.

This Friday, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food changed the standard for the use of agricultural land throughout the country, which is extremely important for farmers.

An interdepartmental commission made a proposal to give the pastures and the measures to the advantage of the Bulgarian breeders, thus, in addition to the support of the native breeders, the good ecological condition of the areas will be maintained.
