Acerola - The Fruit With The Most Vitamin C

Acerola - The Fruit With The Most Vitamin C
Acerola - The Fruit With The Most Vitamin C

Acerola is also known as Barbadian cherry or Puerto Rican cherry and belongs to the Malpigia family. It is well known to the people of the West Indies. It is known that the plant has strong healing properties, which are mainly due to the rich composition of nutrients.

Acerola is rich in vitamin C., B1, B2 and B3, and also contains many bioflavonoids and carotenoids that nourish the body and provide it with antioxidants.

This is a shrub up to 4-6 meters tall, which during flowering is decorated with hundreds of tiny white and pink flowers. Its fruits are small and red, with thin skin and a record concentration of ascorbic acid. It is considered global leader in vitamin C content among all other fruits.

100 grams of acerola contain up to 3,300 mg of vitamin C. For comparison, the same number of rose hips contain only 1000 mg of vitamin, and blackcurrants - only 200 mg. Citrus fruits also do not represent any competition, as they contain only 40-60 mg of vitamin per 100 grams.

Useful properties of acerola:

- a powerful natural immunostimulator;

- is rich in antioxidants;

- normalizes blood pressure;

- strong anti-inflammatory properties;

- is rich in vitamin C.

Doctors recommend including acerola in your daily diet, as it has been shown to boost the body's immunity.

You can also buy it dry. Juicy porridge of Barbadian cherries contains a lot of calcium (12 mg per cup), magnesium (18 mg), phosphorus (11 mg) and potassium (143 mg), and potassium is important for maintaining the integrity of cell membranes, helps to normalize blood pressure. pressure and prevents deficiency in the blood of other minerals, such as phosphorus and iron.

acerola is very rich in vitamin C
acerola is very rich in vitamin C

Photo: Vitor Vitinho Pixabay

One glass acerola juice contains 1644 mg of vitamin C, with the recommended average daily dose of ascorbic acid for an adult being 90 mg.

This means that an extremely small amount of this fruit is enough to saturate your body with the daily dose of vitamin C. That is why it is not surprising that doctors consider acerola to be a powerful natural immunostimulant and a storehouse of antioxidants.

Large doses of barbados can cause:

- diarrhea;

- nausea;

- abdominal cramps;

- vomiting;

- insomnia or sleep disorders;

- formation of kidney stones;

- allergic reactions.

Acerola contains significantly more vitamin C. compared to oranges or blackcurrants. Therefore, to improve health, it is enough to eat only 2-3 fruits a day.

Overdose can cause convulsions, nausea, insomnia, drowsiness and other side effects. When interacting with certain drugs, barbados can increase the level of uric acid in the body, thus increasing the risk of developing gout.

Acerola stimulates the immune system, and is therefore highly recommended for people who live in extreme conditions, namely experiencing tremendous physical exertion (soldiers, marathoners and skiers). High doses of vitamin C. reduce the risk of colds by 50%.

In addition, vitamin C is involved in the production of collagen (a structural protein) that is important for the skin, tendons and blood vessels. From here come the regenerating and healing properties of the plant. that's why acerola is used in cosmetology to combat cell aging.

It is important to remember that like any other product, acerola is safe to use, but only when taken in the right dose. It is recommended to take 100 g of acerola two or three times a week. If you still experience any discomfort, then it is important to consult a doctor.
