Dietary Regimen For Urticaria

Dietary Regimen For Urticaria
Dietary Regimen For Urticaria

There are two types of urticaria - caused by stress on nervous soil and caused by infection. The disease is an unpleasant skin rash. Its appearance is characterized by reddening of the skin, followed by swelling of the affected area and itching.

The disease can come after taking certain medications that the body rejects, food and even an insect bite. Fortunately, urticaria is treatable, but in the healing process the patient needs to undergo a special diet.

Experts recommend that patients suffering from nervous urticaria, drink at least once a day tea from mint, lemon balm, lavender, basil, yarrow or valerian. Their menu should be mainly vegetarian. The foods that are eaten should be dairy and plant, with an emphasis on fruits. Everything must be washed away, because it has already been proven that 90 percent of urticaria sufferers are prone to allergies.


Meat should be avoided, regardless of the type of disease. This applies in full force to pork, beef, mutton, and even fish. While a brief hesitation can be made to the above, canned meat is a complete taboo. Avoid eggs, moss and citrus fruits, legumes, nuts, cocoa, chocolate and caviar.

Fried is also included in the column prohibited. The products you eat should be cooked or baked. Do not overeat, because in this disease the body needs to be cleansed. Avoid spicy spices, salt, colorants and last but not least - preservatives.


In urticaria, the body must be intoxicated. This is done by cleansing the colon, liver, kidneys and other organs. Set aside two days a month (preferably at the beginning and middle) when you limit yourself to fresh seasonal fruits, fruit juices, chamomile tea, nettle or horsetail, and lots and lots of water.

This diet will help you get rid of the unpleasant rash much faster than relying on drugs alone.
