A Good Breakfast Fills With Tone

A Good Breakfast Fills With Tone
A Good Breakfast Fills With Tone

At night, the brain starves because blood sugar levels drop. Therefore, in the morning, until we eat, we are more distracted and unable to work. And the best breakfasts are cereals, muesli, raw fruits and nuts.

It is also important to drink water because the brain is made up of 86 percent water. Dehydration directly affects mental abilities, leading to rapid fatigue, distraction and lack of tone. The most suitable is mineral, juices and herbal teas. Especially useful is the combination of mint, thyme, St. John's wort. Green tea has a good effect on the brain.

The brain needs zinc. It supports many processes and the body does not have large reserves. That's why we have to get it with walnuts, wholemeal bread and chicken meat. The daily needs are 5-25 mg of zinc, and for pregnant women they are even more.

Breakfast with cornflakes
Breakfast with cornflakes

If you have hard mental work ahead of you and you want to be in shape, do not eat refined white sugar, but fruit sugar. Citrus fruits, grapes and cherries are rich in fructose. Wholemeal bread, whole wheat and oatmeal are good. They are sources of protected carbohydrates, do not allow blood sugar to rise sharply, which always leads to drowsiness and easy fatigue.

The brain needs oxygen. That is why it is important to eat foods that supply iron - meat and vegetables rich in iron salts - dock, spinach and lettuce.

One or two teaspoons of bee pollen, which is sucked like candy, are also a source of the valuable trace element. Iron is an important component of hemoglobin, which transports oxygen to all cells. Vitamin C improves the absorption of iron. Therefore, it is good to take 200-300 mg daily.
