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Video: Eel

Video: Eel
Video: Adults Only : Japanese LIVE EEL Killing and Cleaning Skills 2024, September

The order Anguilliformes includes 4 subclasses, 20 families, 111 genera and about 800 species of eels. Freshwater eels are grouped into the family Anguillidae, with all 18 species and 2 subspecies included in the genus Anguilla. A total of 4 are economically significant species of eels - American eel, Japanese eel, European eel and Australian eel.

All species of eels have an elongated serpentine body, hence their name. Eels have an abdominal and dorsal fin, and the dorsal and anal fuse into a tail. Body length varies. Eels inhabit the tropical, subtropical and temperate regions of both hemispheres, but without the South Atlantic Ocean.

Eels spend most of their lives in freshwater, but breed in salty ocean waters for very long migrations. The complex reproductive migration of the eel is associated with serious ecological change, habitat change and different physiological settings. All these changes are due to a complex life cycle and metamorphosis.

When we talk about eel, the Japanese eel, which is an extremely important economic species in the eastern parts of Asia and is grown in artificial aquaculture in many countries in the region, cannot be missed. In Japan, the eel is called unagi and is an extremely important part of the Japanese food culture. As much as 70% of the world's eel catch is imported into Japan for food. In Kyoto alone, there are over 100 restaurants serving specially prepared eel. Eel Day is celebrated in the middle of summer.

Eel catch

The eel it is not so common in our country, but still it is not an absolutely absent species. In our country it flooded from the Aegean along the rivers Mesta and Struma. In rare cases it is found in Kamchia, Veleka, Danube, Maritsa and Ropotamo. It is found in Ivaylovgrad and Ovcharitsa dams, and in the second dam small eels imported from France and Hungary are fattened.

Eel with tomatoes
Eel with tomatoes

The eel is typically a nocturnal and predatory fish. It is caught from early spring, when the water is already heated to 10 degrees, until the autumn cooling. Most of the eels are sought at the bottom, near shelters, and in the evening - in shallow areas. The eel is caught on a float and on small lures. The main line should be 0.3 mm and the hooks are number 6. The bait for the catch is usually a worm, a small fish or a frog. It is very important that the bait lies on the bottom.

The eel bites most actively after sunset, because then it goes out into the shallows to chase small fish. The eel bites slowly and carefully, so you should not wait long, but you should not delay its detection, because the eel swallows the hook deeply. Once attached to the hook, it twists a lot and often entangles the fiber.

Cooking eel

The eel is one of the most delicious fish found in our latitudes. The first thing to do when cooking eel is to peel it. To do this, attach it to the head to hang, cut the skin around the head, make a small longitudinal incision, turn the skin and pull to the tails. It is then gutted and cleaned.

As mentioned, eel is an extremely important part of Japan's food culture. During Eel Day, the Japanese prepare it in a specific way on the grill and add sauces. The dish is called kabayaki.

Eel liver is usually prepared in soup, and the meat is involved in salads and various dishes. Peeled eel skin is dried and made into a souvenir - usually in the shape of something familiar and served to the customer as a souvenir of the exotic dish he tasted.

In our latitudes, eel is most often cooked or fried. Its meat is very tasty, fatty and boneless. It can be stewed in red wine, but is most often offered smoked or marinated.

We offer you a very easy recipe for parsley eel.

Roasted eel
Roasted eel

Necessary products: 1 eel, 1 glass of white wine, finely chopped parsley, pepper and salt

Method of preparation: Peel an eel and cut it into pieces. Add salt and let it stand for a while. Then dry and arrange them in a pan. Sprinkle with black pepper and finely chopped parsley. Add the white wine and simmer over medium heat, turning occasionally. You don't need to add fat, because the eel releases enough of its own.

Another interesting way of cooking eel is observed in England. The famous jelly English eel is caught in the murky water at the mouth of the River Thames, boiled with allspice and salt and left to cool, then covered with a thick layer of slimy jelly seasoned with hot vinegar. The dish is not very pleasant to look at, but is considered one of the symbols of the English capital London.

Benefits of eel

The meat of the delicious eel contains 15% protein, 30% useful fats and a serious complex of minerals and vitamins. Eel is an excellent source of vitamins A, B1, B2, E and D. An interesting fact is that the demand for eel in Japan is seriously increasing as the summer months approach. This is explained by the fact that her meat helps to overcome heat fatigue more easily.

Fish oil, which is rich in eel, is an excellent prevention against the development of cardiovascular disease. In addition to essential fatty acids, eel is rich in sodium, potassium and omega-3.

Eel is an extremely rich source of a number of vitamins - A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, folic acid, vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin E and D, vitamin B4. Of the macronutrients, calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, and phosphorus are best represented. The trace elements in eel are iron, zinc, selenium, copper.

Thanks to all its useful substances, eel meat lowers cholesterol levels, regulates blood pressure, protects against diseases of the circulatory system, promotes good vision and protects against type 2 diabetes.

In Japan, the skin, bones and flesh of eels are ground to a powder and a food supplement is obtained, which is widely used in Europe. This supplement is recommended for the elderly to restore the body and energy balance.