Why Is It Important To Have Detox Days?

Why Is It Important To Have Detox Days?
Why Is It Important To Have Detox Days?

The term detoxification means cleansing the body from the inside of accumulated toxins. Sad but true, we live in a polluted environment and these toxins lurk everywhere - chemical pollution in the air, heavy metals, pesticides in food, alcohol, active and passive smoking, drugs.

Toxins also accumulate in the body due to the action of normal metabolism and the buildup of harmful microorganisms in the digestive tract, as a result of excessive food intake, improper nutrition, fast food and unprocessed food residues.

Regular going to the toilet, exercising and sweating help our body to cleanse itself, but this may not be enough, so extra help is needed, namely detoxification.

According to some experts, nowadays detox is an essential part of modern man's diet, and he needs it more than ever. This is a way to give our digestive tract a good rest from harmful foods and to tone and recharge our body with energy.

According to individual preferences, detoxifying day can be done once a week or monthly. It depends entirely on our attitude, and the goal is to unload as much as possible, so we choose the foods we will consume that day.

All harmful food and beverages are strictly prohibited. It is generally recommended to drink fluids for 24 hours, but for people who think that they will not be able to endure without eating all day, the consumption of raw fruits and vegetables is also allowed.

Foods with purifying properties are, for example, apples, citrus fruits, raspberries, blueberries, pineapple, broccoli, celery, tomatoes, beets, carrots. Abundant intake of water, herbal tea, fresh juices and smoothies is mandatory. They suppress hunger and bring a feeling of satiety.


Detoxification is a real reward for the body and mind, which helps us feel lighter, energetic and satisfied with life and ourselves. It is desirable to do unloading days as often as possible.

In our choice detox day it is extremely important to ensure active movement. Exercise or other types of exercise help the body to be saturated with oxygen, while leading to sweating, which expels toxins from the body.

It is important to focus on an appropriate training program that will move us, but will not drain us. The ultimate goal is not overload, but unloading, however, during this day we will not take in many calories that we can burn.

In case of lack of time for training or we are not physically able to perform them, we can enjoy a hot bath or sauna. They also cause sweating and the corresponding release of toxins from our body.

Before deciding to undergo detoxification, it is advisable to consult a doctor, especially if we have any health problems. This type of diet could not lead to fatal consequences, but it can affect us badly.

This is a sharp change in our diet and we should not underestimate this fact. If we are accustomed to eating a lot, sharply limiting food intake and consuming only water throughout the day can cause energy loss, weakness, dizziness, lowering blood pressure and blood sugar.

On the other hand, creating a routine and conducting detoxifying days regularly, at regular intervals, allows our body to get used to and adapt to changes, which prevents the occurrence of these conditions.
