Why Champagne Brings The Worst Hangover

Why Champagne Brings The Worst Hangover
Why Champagne Brings The Worst Hangover

Champagne is the alcohol that brings the worst hangover, scientists are adamant - they point to the bubbles in the drink as the main culprit for the unpleasant sensation, writes the Daily Mail.

The bubbles in the drink are due to the carbon dioxide contained in the champagne - Boris Tabakoff, a professor of pharmacology, explains that the gas is the reason why alcohol is quickly absorbed by the body.

He works at the University of Colorado. Accordingly, faster absorption also means higher levels of alcohol in the blood and brain, Professor Tabakoff told ABC News.

According to statistics, about two thirds of people get drunk much faster when consuming carbonated alcoholic beverages. In a previous study by researchers at the University of Surrey, people who drank champagne had more alcohol in their blood than those who drank another type of non-carbonated alcohol.

The volunteers who participated in the study were divided into two groups - in one group the participants drank two glasses of champagne, and in the other - the same amount of non-carbonated alcoholic beverage. People in the first group had an average of 0.54 mg of alcohol per millimeter of blood, five minutes after drinking alcohol, and the others - 0.39 mg.


The causes of the hangover are complex - in the first place alcohol is a diuretic, ie increases urine production. This leads to dehydration of the body, which, in turn, is the reason why champagne carries the worst hangover, headache, dry mouth, decreased concentration and often irritability.

In addition, blood sugar levels drop because the body produces too much insulin in response to the high sugar content of alcohol. This in turn leads to a special feeling of throbbing of the head and hunger. Alcohol also irritates the stomach, disrupts sound sleep.

The next day one feels exhausted and does not feel well. Bright lights and loud noise become unbearable after a hard night with a lot of alcohol, adds Professor Tabakoff. He explains that this is the way the brain responds to the large amount of alcohol tested.
