White Heron

White Heron
White Heron

Podubicheto is a small semi-shrub with annual ascending stems. In Bulgaria there are 5-6 species of butterbur, which differ from the common butterbur, because some of them are white, some with red, and others have specific sessile leaves (white butterbur, common butterbur, onion, red, mountain). Of all these, white butterbur is considered the most healing and at the same time the most harmless.

The white heron (Teucrium polium L.) is a small shrub whose stems reach a length of between 10 and 30 cm.

The leaves of the white heron are distributed opposite on short handles. Its flowers are gathered in spike-like inflorescences, and after ripening the fruit of the white hen splits into 4 separate nuts.

The white hemlock blooms in the months of May-August. The stem of the plant is white. It has white petals and its flowers are creamy or white.

The plant is distributed in forest meadows and bushes in the country. The usable part of the plant is the aboveground part, collected during flowering.

The collected stalks are tempted in several ways - in the shade, in the oven or in a special dryer. They are then packed in paper bags and stored in a dry and ventilated place, away from direct sunlight. Dried white butterbur has no odor, but has a tart taste.

White heron
White heron

Photo: Zoritsa

Over the years, white butterbur has been called by various names, the most common being white grass, white licorice, white bitters, white wrist and wormy weed.

An interesting fact is that white butterbur has been used as a medicine in Western Europe since the 16th century. Then the herb was planted in the gardens as a cultivated plant, while nowadays it grows freely. In addition to folk medicine, the herb is widely used as a spice for canning fish.

Composition of white butterbur

The chemical composition of the white heron is expressed in mucus, tannins, vitamin C, resin, bitter substances and others. The drug of the herb contains up to 0.3% essential oil, which has a pleasant odor and yellow color. Traces of alkaloids are found in the leaves, but they are not found in the roots. The fruits contain up to 30% fatty oil.

Useful properties of white butterbur

The white heron has an excellent burning and hemostatic effect. For this reason, it is used in folk medicine to treat constipation, influenza, stomach aches, intestinal pain, sand in the gallbladder. White butterbur improves digestion and appetite. In addition to a very good burning effect, the herb also has disinfectant properties, which is why it is used to make compresses.

It is believed that white butterbur reduces stomach acidity.

It is used for toothache and sexual weakness. Veterinarians use white butterbur to make compresses that are applied to cattle wounds.

White heron
White heron

Folk with medicine with a white underbelly

The white heron can be used for both internal and external use. Most often for external use is expressed in flushing with white flow and hemorrhoids. To make a decoction for external use, 4 tsp. of the herb are poured with 200 ml of boiling water.

For external use it is also used for washing wounds, eczema, acne, inflammation in conjunctivitis.

For internal use, it is necessary to cut two spoons of the herb into small pieces and pour about 500 ml of boiling water. The mixture is boiled for a few minutes and left to soak for 30 minutes. Then strain and drink 3 times daily before meals. One intake of the mixture should not be more than 80-150 ml.

The white heron is one of the most useful herbs for treating nasty hemorrhoids. Two tablespoons of it are boiled in 600 ml of boiling water from the night before. The next day, strain the decoction and drink 100 ml three times daily before meals. However, it is good to keep in mind that the treatment of hemorrhoids requires perseverance and proper diet.

It is good to consult a doctor before taking decoctions of white butterbur and to specify the recommended daily doses and possible reactions with medications.
